Preston - BT100 P8 1634

' I 8'J I --------~----------~--~------ .We neednot ftand long toanfwerthis:forc:ven \ I · for this c~ufe he is omnipoftll.t,becaufch~cannot ; God is ~er~t· .4oe thefe things. As if I lhould fay,the Sunee ! ~:~t:;:~~~~ is full of light,tbcrfore itcann&t bedarke.Thefe 1 he: canaoclio. arc the expreffions whida the Scripture U• . feth: as Tit. 1. 2. Gill &Ann•lli~: and ~ 1 '(im. %. 13. Gl4 tiJIIIIf MIIJ /lim[tlfe. THE