s AcGntradiai· ontomalte a - ~reaturcinliite. .. . Y{e ~ ~ The Omnifrotence _of Go o. any a a, it is fo far in vaine,_as it dotb notattaine . to that end andad : as bread appoi~ted to nouritb,if itdothnot,it attains not the end towhich , it is. made,and fo .is in v~ine: I may fay·tbe fame ' ofevery thing elfe. But it is not the end of GoaJ . power,tobring forth aBy effed: anfwerable to it ' felfe,for his power'(to fpeakc properly) bath no e~d,bl!lt all ~hings are made for it. r notherthings ' the Gaufe is appointed for the effeCt as itsend: but he himfelfe is the caufe of all otker things; ·all that hecloth, is for himfelfe; and therefore tpough he dothnot produce anyfuchcfett, yet his powtr is infinite. Secondly, when there is a repugnande in the nature of the thing, it is nolhortning or Ilmita– tiO.JlOf his powcr.Nowacreaturc,as it is acrea– ture; mufi be finiteanddeter.minate~but to,alter 'die property oflts nature;& tomake it-infinite; is r~pu&nant both to the nature & effence ofthe creature·:and therefore-ifGoJdoe it nor, itis not becaufe be cannot doe it, but becaufe the thing ~it felfe cannot be done. Wee now come to die application of this · point. · ' · L~alin· covc• nant with .God rejoyce that they have an . ·.AI.,ightyGod · for their (,g11d. If G o » bee .A/,it,htJ, then Jet all thofe tbat are in covenant with God, and tbat baveintcreft inhim,tli~t can fay, they are tbe ·LwJJ, and the lJQrJrs--fbeirs, let' themexceedingly rejoyce in this.., that -they hav,ean .A/migiJty G1J for their Go D. To have a friend thatisab-Ie to·doe all _ th ings,and a! wee told·you before, that·isevery I· whereprefent!, it is a·oreatbenefit; as to·iiave a • I) · fritatl