:1., Tbe.()mllipot~t~elo{G on. _ afriend in Court, ineountry, a frierid beyon~ . the Seas, if you{hall have occafron tobe ham- . lhed thither; but if youadde this, hee i&·able · todoewhadeever heewill, it will addc much to ourcomfort. A friend many times 'is ' willi~g but bee is not abl-e; if able·and willing., yet not prelent : but fee ing Go n is everywhere,if thou hall any bufine!fe to doe, thou needeft not to fend~ letter, doe but pun1p a prayer to him to beet-by fa.etour, to doe it forthec, to worke thy workes for tbe_e, bee is every where pre_fent; a'nd againe, ·beei' Almightyalfo~able rodoe it,there- -s zJ8y ~ .·· .fore becontent tohave himalane for your porti 4 on. What is tile caufe now , that mens wayes are fo un.Iike ona to another : becaufe they would grafipe Go_n a~d the creature. And why Weyatn arc · not (lORteftC doe they doe fo ? Becaufe they will not becon- witl&Gtda~ tent to have Godalone. And what is the ground lone, . ·of that ? Becaufe they doe not thinke him in- , ·deed .A!I-f"fficimt and Almighty, for if they did, they neetle. not to jo}lnt aJJy' other with · him-. - Butyouwillfay, thisisagainfifenfc: God is ..AU-fofficicnt, i t is trt-Je, it is good t<> have him : but,doe weenot -necde many hundred things befides ? Mull: nonv"ehave friends, houfe, wife, &c. Can wee Jivewithout tl1cm? Canwee live ', witho.ut friends,efl:ate convenient?what is;your ,. rn€anmg then to have Go n alone forottr por-: . tion. . · . Go n hath all thefe in him ; that is, hee -hatb .tbe comfort of them all ; if hce be~ Al- • • mt_ghty '