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That Gon u. A8s 17. :z. 6. That God hath made bf one bloodall mankind) yol'f fee evidently how oneman begets another, and hee another, &c. and fo goe and rake all theGenealogies in the Scripture,and in all other hifioriographers,we (hall fee,that theyal come tooneWell-head. Now, I aske, if the world was from eternity,what is the re.afon,that there is -butone fountaine, one blood whereof we are all made?Why fhould they not he made all together? Why was ·not ~he earth peopled together, and in every Land a multitude ()fin– habitants togeth~r, iftheyha a been from eternity, a-nd bad-nobeginning ? _ The fecond principall Head, by which wee i will make this good toyou, that therei.ra God Thatthereisa that made heaven and earth, is the tefrimony of God,provedby Gfld-himfelfe. There is adouble tefiimony ,·One the law writ~ .. tc:ninmens is the written tefiimony, which wee h~ve inthe hems. Scripture;.thcptber is,that tefiimony,whichis written in the hearts ofmm. Now,you know that all Nations doe acknow– ledge a God,(this we take for granted)yea, even thofe that have been late-lydifcovered,that live, as it were, disjoyned from th~ refi oftheworld) yet they all have, and worfhip.aGod; thofe Nations difcovered lately by the Spaniard.r, in the -weft Indics,- and thbfe that havebeen difcovered fince ~ all of them, without ·exception) have it written in their hearts, that there is a God. Now . the ihength of the,argumem lies in th({e two·· things: - I ' Tobferve tliat phrafe_ ufed,Rom. :L 1 s. J,t is called - ' _;