The comfort of all things inG1d. Objetf. . .Anfw. mighty and All-/ufftcient, ~hen looke about, and coDftder the multitudeofthe rhmgs thou need'f\: · and the variety of comforts thou Jefireft, and thou fhalc finde all inhim: That is anargument which youare not £hangers eo. Heebath made. them all; and.there is nothing in the effet1, but whac is in the caufe, bt:caufeit gave all to rhe ef– feCt: firft, and it gives nothing, bur what it felfe had before : ifhe bath pu~ fuch beames ofcom– fort, and fuch beauty in the feverall creatures> mull: they not needs be in him? But youwill fay, that this is but a fpecula– tion. · Mar,,o.2.t1,2.~, . 3P• Nay,tbat it is more than fo., I will put you to 9neplace, which I deGre you to confider fcri-' oufly: which is, L'War.lo.28.29.30. Then Peter · kegan to foy unto him, Loe we hat:e left aU; and httt•e fo!l9weJ. thee. And I efus anfweredandJ~tyd; verily J foy unto yfJu, ·there i!no man thttt hath left houfe, er Brethren, or Siflert , or Father, or Mother, or ~jfe, or children, orLands for my fake, and the 'Gofptl.r- ;-}zttt hee fbttlt receive dn hundred fold now' ; ·: ' ~I ·-·- thif time, Hou_(es, Apd .Brethren, and Siffers, ana Mother.r, andChildren, and Lands, with per– fecutions, And in the world to come eternttU life. When it is fayd here, 1-ee tbaii receive the ve– ry fame; \Vhydorh the Holy Gho!l: repeat them in particular? Hefhallreceh·e Houfes,tt:ndBrethren, ; &t. wieh·perjecution? that i1S, you lha11 be ftript of all thefe things by perfecution, yet ar rhe, farrie time, you lhall have themall. At that time ,\V hen.-bee is in a clofeprifo.n ,'and driven from " · all :