Preston - BT100 P8 1634

The Omnipotence oj'.G o o_. 18, , . - . all thefe, bee fhall receive .them for this pre– ,. fent. The meaning is this: let a man have com– 'munion with Go o, ·Iet the Lord reveale him- · felfe toaman ; if hee be once pleafed to come to aman, and [up ~ith him, if hee will but commu– nicate to aman the confolations of the fpirit, & jilt himwith joy and peace through heleeving ~· I fay, thoughhee bee in a.·clofe prifon, yethee f11all have the comfort of Hou[Cs, Brethrm, Siflers, Mothers,&c·~ Thatis~thatcornfortwhich they _would yeeld liim, hee lhalJ finde them.all toge– :'ther in Go D• - So that ifon~ fhould =ome and fay to him, what if you {hould have Father,Mo– ther, .and friendJ refl:ored to you, that you may injoy them? I fay;aman that batha neere corn- ,munionwith Go n, to whom .Go o fayes, that 'hee will comet~nd[upwith him, at fuch a tirne; hee will fay, I ~l-oe not" care one jot _forthem, .for I havethat which is better than ·tbem all • . For example ·: you fee this in the·Apofi:les,that -rejoyced in prifon. What dce you tbinke they .·- would havefayd to -men that offered·them ri– j ~. thes? Would they not .have flighted them? ·· -I · Theydid flight imprifonment:and in thattlw,x_ ·- :· di~ flight {hame, and prifon, &c. they-ffon1a · .have llighted the <?ther~by die rul~ Qf contraries.Thereforelabour to be content W-ith G 0 D •, ':alone". . · Tomake thisargument withoutdoubt, (On- .: fii:ler what heaven is. ··Doe you thinke ,- that ·· , ;; there you {hall have· a worfe condition than , ' here..? · Jlere. yo11ihave.needeof ·many eQmforrs ·· · l ~ndi ~ l I