Preston - BT100 P8 1634

'190 The Omnipotence of Gon~·, / and conveniences, it is 3 variegate· appetite) . that is, an appetite that is full ofrnultiplidty: why,when ypucome to heaven, you doe not ~.~e:~~~~f~ru_ Iahy afide y~ur 1. 1 .-nh· ature, bubt yoGudeftr 1 efrill; aud .,. ·-God,thefaints t ere you ma ave none ut oo a one:fo that .fhsuld. bee thereyou fhall bee in a worfe efiate than here, worfe m heaifall thefe things were not to bee found in the ven,tban hc:rc d 'f h h. . . l Lor : 1 t ·ere were not t ts vanety m t 1e Lord, it could not bee, that in heaven yotf fhould bee fo happy. HereyouneedSunne, andMoone, and Starres, and a thoufand other things, but there you !hall have none, I, fayth hee, wi/1 1 bee Sttnne,and Moone , and all toyou : and there– fore bee fayth, thatbee will bee.allin all, which is the plurali number; and fignifies , all things, I will be :raJI'Ta ·,,,.;(Tf, - Nmv this Almighty G 0 D., that will bee .A!t-[tifjicient inheaven, if beewill but commu- , nicate to aman, and draw him neare to bis pre- { . fence, thallnot that be enough? Beloved, it is ~ ccrtaine, that he will bee enough for your por– don. As foi inflance; let a man bee.fl:ript of all his friends, and brethren and .fitters, and . ;tli\qnrry, a3 Abr~tham was : bee was ftript of aii, and had GQd alone left for his portipn, yet you fee that hee was exceeding rich , and made a great Prince,and he had a great poftcrity.Ther~ fore let us make [his ufe of it: to care for none but the Lord alone' wee know. not wh~t fhall become ofus, wee may be led intobanifl1me11t as othersnow arc, and have bin : now if -you. nave the Lord w'ith you, it is enough. Soif any