Preston - BT100 P8 1634

1 The Omnipotence of G·oo. 1,91 - any condition befall ·you, can bee conrent with Goo alone, you a-re well,·what if .your friends deceive you? What ifyou (hould ·bee tbut up inadofe prif0n ? Jt is nothing, hee is .Al-fufficimt and:.Almighty, and·there is ·no e- · ~ate or condition, but hce is with you in. it, there is no firait,but he canhelpyou out.There-- fore fiudy thefethings·, and!cxamirre them, a~dlabour to beata them upon your foules : nevtr \, have brought your hearts to fuch · aconditiqn: to fay, I know that no man can fe-- paratc betweeneG.o D artd mee, ,and I am,con... tent withGodalone. ,. Secondly,lhnis be fo, tbe11 labour to make V{e · 2~ ' ;ufeofthis-power ofhis. Why is this Attribute Makeufeof revealed ·to·you ?. Is· it not for this, that men his power i:1 : alhunts, and. · might make ufe of this p(l)wer ofhis_?· Then let' inall-firaits. · every·mancon!id~rwith himfelfe, ,what he bath neede of, what fl:raidiee is in, what bufineffc lie . . would· have done : ·remember that God is Al- --; mighty, and is.a&le J;o bring it to-· pa,ffe; be _it . '' pqverty in your e.!l:ates, or debts, which a·man 'f is not able to over-wraft1c, ifthere be a blemHii I .: \ ' .~ ~ in your names, and'·yon cannot telrhow to have. it healed, or·anyfweakene!fe in your body; and which is-more than all this,. iftl1erc bee a lull that yee cannot overcome,·a tetppt~tion which . yce cannOt bee rid of, if there bee-a deadneife of · I fpi1it ·in ymt, and indifpofettne!fe to holy ·du~ ties;-. and yee ·cannot tell haN to get life and ; I; ._guieken·ing ; remember that there is ·an AI:. . · ·mighf:J p0wet r~ealed. fot ·that end, and it is I ' . . i our '\ '' . '