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.1 9z. The.Omnipotence of Goo. our parts to make.ufe of it: though it be an he– red icary difeafe in thee) (now you know an here– ditary difeafe is that "'hich wee have from our parepts,) thOl.,gh thou haft fuch adifeafe, a lu-il:; yet thinke with thy felfe, ~he Lord 1~/IIHSJt. '· is able to heale this. lam. 4· 6. Aplace named before, But heegivetb moro- grace, &c. As if bee tbould fay : when bee had tolde them of the Iufts that fight in their members, this objeCtion .comes in i Alas, ·wee are not able to mafier thefe lu!l:s. It is true, faith the Apoftle, the lufis that are in us, doe lufi againft the fpirit,as natu– rally as the ftone defcends downeward : but how fhould wee beale them, fay you ? How ? The Scripturegiveth more grace, that is, there is an omniEotent power which can heale all this. M ~ So Matthew 19. :6. With men this is im- ..r. 19.1•· opened. poffible, hut with God all thingJ Art po.Jlible. It is a place worthy conlideration. Saith our Savi– our, It it impoffible for a rich 1111111 to ~nter into the Kingdome of Heaven: Why, fay the Difciples, · who then can hee[aved ~ Indeed, faith Chrift, It if · impoffible fl)ith men, hut with God all. thingJ 4re poffib!e. The meaning is this ; when a man bath riches, that is, when the object: is prefent aod before him, a man cannot of himfelfe but fet his heart upon them ; and when a mans ,hear.t is fet upon them, no man in the world can weane his heart from thofe riches : what iball wee doe then ? Why, faith bee; the L o :a v hath an .Almighty power, bee is able to morri- . fie • ___,....!_________......_____~=,__,;· .