Preston - BT100 P8 1634

' ,- The OmnipotenceofGon. 19J fie thefe lufts : wee can fl.O more doe it, th&n IS c.ebleropecangoethrough the eye of a needle. Now tltat which is fa id of riches, may be fa id ofany luft: let an ambitious mall have honour,or a carnail man an obje6t to a carnall minde, he (annot chufe but fet his heart upon it;now when Jnisheart is fet upon an objcet of luft, a Camtl ffl:.AJ aswellgoe through aneedles eye, as he can loofe his heart from that luft : but yet the Lord can doe it, with him all things ue poffible : And as the Apo!l:le faith ofthe Iewe,r, R1m. 1 I. ·2 3· The Rotlf. ri. 1J ~ Lord can inf:aft them ·inagaine, as bad as they bee, thoug the wrath of G o o bee gone over them to the utrermoll, yet G o o can doe it : f< it trtte of thy felfe, and any oheelfe, the Loa o can, if bee will ; to him nothing is impoflible• .Confiderwith your felves,tbathethatcandraw fuch beautifull flowers out offo unapt earth, a~ you Iooke upon in winter) though thou haft an I1eart as farre from grace, as the flmvers feeme 8y Godsp&W· to be from comming forth in the.midftofwinter, er 1n ofRature wee yet he that can doe (o in nature, is able to doe fuould ftre-ng• .,the like in grace alfo : remember PAu}a perfecuthen f~th. tor, andMttry Mllgdalen, that had feven Devils, what they would have been without his power: an~by his powerwemay be as excellent as they. Toconfirme this, confiderwhat a change grace bath wrought even amongfl: us ; how many amongfl: us, that ofproud have become humbl~, of fierce and cruell have become gentle ; of ' loefe, fober; of weake, tl:rong, &c. Gde there- . fore to him, beleeve this, and apply it : and bee N n· fure ~ ...