) _..:._ The Omnipotence of Go D• . -\ . ' Vfo 3• T:o bdeeve· this great }"0· wer ofGod. • I· ' Tint men doubt as muc_h of the power ofGod,as of his will, by 3· it:~!lances., I B'ccaufe wee are more in– couraged by }>r9babilidc:s, fure it fhall bee Mcording to thy farith. If a man would goe to the Lord., and fay to him, Lord, . I have fuch a lu-fi:, aud cannot overco:ne it; and I want gdefe and forrow for (tnne, but thou rh at haft an Almighty power,. thou that didft dra:\V light our ofdarkeneffe, thou art able to-make a .change in my heart,thou canft purge it''and make it cleane; for to t:hee nothing is irn po-ffih le.I fay 3 ,. let a mandoe fo, and th~ Lordwill put forth his \ power, to effeCt the thmg that thou defirell . . Sur~Iy he \vhicheftablifheth r·be earth upon no– rh ing,andkeeps.the wind in his fifl:s,and hounds the water as in a garment, can fixe the moft un– fet'cd minde, and the wildefl: difpoution, and fet bounds to the moft loofc and intemperate defires. · · · · . . , If G'od be.Almight)', you muft beleevethis lllmZghtin-ejte of ·his . : and becaE~fe forne fay wee \ dm~btflot <?f his pmy~r,but o; his will: therefo_re \ I w.dl fl!ew to you, rh~tall Ot.tJ'douLn_s, agd dtf– courag·e-r~wnts a.n(bdeje~io,ns :doe. ·~ari(e. f,r0m hence,.liotbecaufe.youl thmkethe L.o.r.dwtll not, · bur becaufe yqu thinkehe cannot. F?r I am per: fwaded moff men know not the decettfuJne{fe of raeir ownehearts, in faying·that they doubt not . ofthe power:of GDd.: and rfiis lw..illmake good to youby rliefearguments.;· . If wee did not doubt of rhe pmver ofGoD, what "is the reafon that when you fee a great· probability efa thing, you can goe and pray fe>r it with ·great clieerefulneffe; bu~i£~herebe no hope,: ho~ doe y0m h~nds grow fatnt; and ym1r . ..