Preston - BT100 P8 1634

- The Omnipotence ojGon.. your knees feeb~e in the performaceofth~duty.: You pray becaufe.the d111ty mull not be om.itted, hut you doe not pray with a hearty defire . .And fo.forendevours: are not your minds deje{ted, doe younot fit frill as men difcouraged, with your armes folded t:lp,ifyou fee every doore lhut up; and ·no probability of helpe from the crea~ ture? And all thisisforwanc ·ofalivelyfairh; for would this be fo, ifyoudid beleevc ihis Al– mightypower of God?c~nnot he bring it to paffe when things are not probable, a·s well as when thereare the faireft blofTomes ofhope? ~efides, cloth it not ring in thel cares ofevery mafl, when the times arebad, doe not men fay, b)l wee fuaii never fee better dayes? Sowhen a jnan is ia affiietion, oh he thinkes this will never be~ltered ; on the other fide, ifhebe ia profpe– rity, he thi~kes there will bee no change. Nmv whence comes all this,b.ut becaufe_we forget the Almightypower of 6od? If we thought that bee could make fit eh achange inanight, as he doth in the weather, as·he did with Job, we fhould not . be fo deje6ted in cafe ofadvedity, and fo lift up ·in proflDe.rity. Moreover, men have not ordinarily moreabi– \ lity to beleeve,than the Jfraelites had which were \ G on s owne people: now confider, that thefe I very men, that had feene all tbofe great plagues, which the Lord brou~ht upon the Egypti~ns, I thereby meane, all his AlmiRhty power, that faw his bringing ther'n through the red Sea,and giving thembread and water in the \'V ilN n z dernelfe · ' 2 Bec:aufe wee thinkeour pre– fent condition canotbo·c\ilaa– ged. J Welimit the Lard as th~ If- · ----. ra_c;litesdid.