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F[al. 78• 41. The Omnipotence 8f 6 o o. derneffe; yet called his po~ver into quefi:.lon, and faid,that Godcould not bring them intothe land ofCanaaH.Yeewillfind they did fo, Pfo!. 78.4I. They turned hacke, and limited thehDiyone oflfrae!: in that they faid, hee cannot doe this and this : and why ? becaufe they have Cities walled up t9 heaven.That i& the thinglaid to their charge,They . limited the holy one ofIfrael; that is, they remem– bred not that heehad an unlimited power, but o-– they thought, ifthe Citieshad binlow, and the men had b inbut ordinary men, hee could have done ic: but becaufe they were fo mighrymen, and the C tties had ft~ chhigh wals;therfore they could nor belee\'e, that he could bring them in. Now iftbeydtd fo, doe younor thinke it ishard f0r you ro doeotberw i Je ?Doe- bur rakehim that - thinkes he dotb n0tdot1bt o f the'powerof'God, bringt~at man to aparticuJar difireffe, and yee {hall fee him faile: (for iris one thing to.have a · thing in the notiofl, as foxa man to rhinKe what he would doe, ifhewereaPilor, or a Captaine-; and another thing to have it in the r_eall mana- · .ging,as when he is brought to nght;fo is· it here) It is one thing to fay, I beleeve Go os Almighty power, and another to re~ upon it. l3ut I aske you,ifyouhave had a rria11 ofyour hea-rt; Wyou have been brought to an ex·igent; Doe you find it fo eafie a thing, to beleeve in difficulties, as in facility ? But you will fay, the peof!Jie-of lfrael were a (lubhorne and fliffe-Necked rehelliouJ people : and I . hope our faith is greater than thei_rs. 1