The Omnipotence of Go D. 1) but 'doe you thinke tbat your faith is greatAn{w. terthan 'the faithofMaryor Martha,Inht. r I. z I. I1bn n. n,3 r.• . L9rd, if thou hadft beene heremy Brotherhadnot dy– ed. Soverf. 3 2. If you obferve their reafoning, you fhall fee, all this doubt wa~ ofbis power. If thou hadfi bin here, when hewas ficke,and when it was time, tnou mighteft have raifedhim; but now it is too late, he harh bin dead foure gayes, and his body is putrified. Here is no doubt of his good will; but all the queftion was of his , power. And fo it is withus} doe "'e not cloe the fame, and fay with ourfelves, if this had beene ,taken in time, it might have been done,but now t~e cafe is defperate ? Why ? is not the L.ordas well able to helpe in <lefpcratecafes, ifhe.e bee . .A/mightyi Yea)but thefewere but weakewomen, and we Objdf. :hope.our faith may be ftronger than theirs. But is your faith fironger than that of MtJeA11[w. flde!d-?d.Nubmb. tfi. Ydou fhall fee tbhere tdhaht dMofes ~~;~i:h·noc . .. 1 . ou t 0 Go s power. w en Go a proftroAgertaan mifed to fend them fle{h, and that not for a day .:Mofes;yed.\ce ·.· or two or five or twenty but for a moneth doubted of .· ' ' ' . Gods.powcr. ~ together, and for fomany people: Mofos faith, : L oR o, wilt thou fend them fle(h fora moneth 'together' ? There are · fixe hundred thoufand men ofthem, and itis in the wilderneffe. As if -he fbould fay, if it had qeeneforadayortwo, or in a plentifull Country, or for a few per. fons; but there are fix hundred thoufand, and it is in thewiider~ffe,and that for amoneth toge– ther. Here .Mofes was at a fland, and could not , · N n 3 beleeve