/ .· Yfe 4·: - Sc:ekc and pray to him in all firai'ts, with conn· deuce. The Omn_ipotenct of G~o. beleev.e it. TheLord-anfwers him; lJ the-Lords hand JEortened, that hee cannot helpe I 'Thou fhalr fee, that I am able to doe ir, Numh. r r. zr. It is not therefore an eafie thing to beleeve Go n·s power. Therefore fet your fehes with all your · might,. to beleeve this .Aimightie power , and know,.that all your ftrength will be needfuJl for it. It is apt to.meil, to meafure things accor- · ding to their owne M9dels ;. as_, to thinke him to beas pmverfull, a-s mans underfl:andmg can reach ;. and merciful!, as f-arre as man can bee .. mercifull : but for a finite €reature to beleeve the infinite Attributes of Go o, bee is not able to. doe it rhrot1gply , without ft.1pernanuaU grace. You ca-nnot beleeve that hee forgives fo much as ,hee cloth, or that his power is fo great, as hjs power is.; but (though you obferve . it nor) you dOe frame Models of him.according to. your {elves, and you doe not·thinke that his tl:oughts are Jibove yours,. tU the 11ea·vem are abo·ve theEar:th. Therefore Jabour to get faith in his . power. AFJdwiii you ha\'e it to lye dead, when you have it ? N.o.. Therefo_re adde this for ·a . ' fourthVfe.. Whatfoever thy condition be, wbatfoever · fhait thou art in, be not difcouraged, but feeke : to him~ rha.t is the ground of your prayers . . You know the Lord.r Prayer is concluded with this; For thine is thy Kin~~dome, power an~glory, .for e:t·e.r and ever. As if that were the ground of all the Petitions that went before. So) if the ' ! Lord bee A!l~mightie, and haih an A!l-mightie pow.er; .·,