.The Omnipot~nce ofG_on. --------------------------------- power; then ·, in the moft defperate cafe, when there is no hope or helpe in the creature, that you can difcerne; yet then pray,and pray fironglyand confidently,as men.full ofhope,toobtaine j what theydefire. And remember this for your comfort : At that time, when you are in affiitl:ion, and in fo great a fhait, that you are hedged about, and no , hope, no.poffibilitie to evade; that is the time , that the Lordwill fuew forth his power; for a man is never difcouraged, but in this cafe : I have feene it by manyparti£ular experiments ; whc;n the cafe bath beene defperate, when there bath beene no hope; yet when Go D bath .,, beene fought to by falling and prayer, there hatb beerie alteration above all thought; ac– cording to that expreffion ,ufed, Ephe[. 3· 2o. epb. 3;to.. Hee if Able to doe exceeding Ahundt~ntly, 4hove -11/J that wee aske or thinl:e, AccorJ,ing to the power that worketh i'n ·If!: that is, when they could ·not enlarge their thoughts farre, nor were able to fee th~re could be any way devifed ; yet enlarging their prayers, theLord bath devifed away oftentimes. I will give you fome infiances that ,the InAances of Scripture gives in this cafe. Vvhen Efau came Godspaw~dn againll: Jaco!J, wa& hee not in a fearefull ftrait? grcadhaiu. there was_no hope, and no poffibilitie; Efou \Vas too 'flrong for him : .what fhould bee doenow ? bee expofetb himfclfe to the enemie, there was no other remedie;and it was anenmitie oftwentie yeeres continuance; and the Text faith, t-hat JacDb feared .: and yet the Lord delivered him, Nn 4 when ---=------,-~--~~-----··-~__......... ' .