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2.00 . ( . ·. The Omnipotence ~jGon•. ~ whenheehad prayed to him. So \vhen L-aban came againfi him, G.o o bidhim that he fhould doe him no burr. SoBame4whenheewascaft into th'e !..ions den, when all the Lions were. preient-with their mouches opened · ready to devoure, yet the Lord fiopped their mouthes ,. they could doe him no hurt. So is it in many. cafes amongll: us; when our enemies are ready to devoure us, then G o o comes in,in the nicke, betweene. the cup and the lip, and ·workes a– way for ~ur delivery. Therefore never be ·dif– couragedwhatfoever .thy cafe bee·: it is a ·very g.reat matter to faY, that th~ Lordcandoe fuch· athing, though you thinke it but a fmall thing• As when the_L·eper could. goe to ·Chrift ~ and fay, Lord, thou canft make mee ·c./eane 'if thou f!!'ilt, then the Lord 'did fo. It was a great matter for ._, thofe three children inDan. 3. to lieable to fay, : when the fire was readyprepared, and the King was wroth~ and ·there was no -reftftance, . yet they fa id, The L(Jrd is~~,{;!~ tofa'l)e us f)Ut of thyhand · 0 King ! The LoR o did take-this fo well at their hands, that the L oR o did helpe them, and fave them. O.n the contrarY- ftde, .when a man doth doubt of his power, you £hall fee how· much moment it -is.of•. As that Prir1ce fetid to E/iah, Though GtJd fhould -make ~indones in heawn, yet there could not befuch 'aplenty, as hee fpake of : now the L o R D was· fo difpleafed ' .with ir, that -bee defiroyed him for:: iro ._So the ·_' Ifraelites did not- beleeve that, the ·L9rd could : ··j bring theminto the Land-o£ CAnaan:,· therefo~e ,: the