The Omnipotence of'Go o. i:beLorJj anger was kindled againft them_for this, Pfal. 78. But to draw this ufe to a conclufion. Learne to bring your hearts to this, whatfoever your cafe is, frill to beleeve his power; and bee able to fay-ftill,theLordcan doit.-For it isnot a fmall matter tobeabletofay fa : when the Clmrches are· very low, and there is no hope,.andyou fee litcle-helpe,a man ibould goe,and pray with fuch cheerefulneffe,and fuch hope,and confidence,as if it were the ~aliefr thing in theworld tobelpe them ; w.hichyouwould doe, lfyoudid beleeve that Go o is Almighty. You know what the cafe ofthe,ChQrchwas inAhafuerus time,yet falHng and praying made a great change on the · fuddaine. Nay, when the Church is downe, yet pray with as great hope, as ·if it had the beft props to hold it'up,.for theLord is able to raife it upagaine. , · · , 2.01 Pfal. 78. .. · I will giveyou two inftances, that yeu: may C{)nfider the Lordspower ON both fides: firft, his power ·to raife it up from a low condition; (as now, ifyouconfider the miferable efbue qfthe C'hurdi'inChridendomeat this time :) asmay li •; Godspowcr . to r:aifc from a : lowcondition. · .. appeare by tlae v.i.fionof the drie bones inEz.eldel : -the meaning whereof is, that when the , , people are as 'low as low may bee_, like dead meFJ, buried' men; men fcattered to the. foure :.– w indes, yetfaith the to it ·o, I will pt1t life1mo . them, l will raife them and make them a great · army,and I will put vigoor into them, and make ! ,them;. that· is, though :the .Church i<.· , be ______________ __,_ _ ___.::----· .,