Preston - BT100 P8 1634

;o:. · f The Omnipetence of' Goo. --------~-------------------------------- !& .<;otls power, in bringing dowDe thofe that are !e– cure. lA/11.-J. u.. l·.benever fo low, yet theLordeauput life into it, and make a wonderfull change. Againe, there is noChurch fo fafe, (as wee doe thinke our felves now, and as the P4-latinate .did thinke themfelves) but that yet the Lord can make a fudden change , and bring them downe, a5 well as bee could rayfe thefe dry bones; and,as hee bath done to others alreadie. This you fhall .fee, Lam.4. I~. The King1 a1zd ~a the inhabit~ntJ of the W(Jr/d, would not hAve be. lened, that theadver[arie-and the enemie could hAve entred into the Gatu of Jerufa/em. Ierufolemwas fo firong> there was fuch probabilitie offafetie, that no man would ever have beleeved that the enemie and.the adverfarie. fhouJd ever have cn– tred into the Gates thereof; yet the .A/1-mightil powerofGod brought them downeona fudden, and Iayd them flat to the ground.. Therefore, let the cafe bewhat it will be; fuppofe aNa– tion be never fo flrong, yet God can bring them downe; and let it be never fo weake and low, yet the Lord is able to rayfe them up. The fame is true of every particular tbiag alfo; and therefor€ ·heleeve this .A/1-mi,_(htie power ·· Of God, and apply it, whatfoever thy cafe bee; confider, that thou haft 'to doe witl1 an All~ mightie God. ' ' But you wi!Lfay,the cafe may-be fuch,as there ·is no helpe; the Lord bath declared his will, by .an event; and the cafe is·fuch,as never was hel– ·ped: and will you have us to beleeve it now, be· -caufe there is an A!l-mightiepower ? You