Preston - BT100 P8 1634

The Omnipotence ofGon. You mu!l: learne to doe in this cafe, as Chrifl ·did : Lord,ifthou. wilt,let thu Cup pajle from me 5 yet not mywill, 6ut thine he dune. Iuft after this manner yo1.:1 ought ro doe in every one of thefe cafes, where there is nohope: yqumufr fay thus; L@rd, it is poffible for thee to doe it, be the cafe as clefperate as it will be. As fuppofe a man bath a Stone in the Bladder,which we thinkean incura– bledi/eafe,becaufethe Scone is fohard,as itcannor be foftened; yet it is poffible tohim; he can .fo lodge it, and bed it, that it i11all doe you no hurt: be!ides,if he doe takeaway thi.s:life,yet he gives youa better.; ifir do~ paine you here,yet he will give you joyand peace, whichwill farre exc~ed theenduring a little paine in the flefh. Sub- . then your [elves to ·Gods will, as ChriHdid; and remember this,that in fuch acafe,your bufi- . ne!fe is not with the power, but with the will of God: that is,. you muft: fay-; Lord, I know it is poffible that this Cupmaypaffe; but,Lord)here · isall the matter; it is myde!ire that it fhould patfe,and it may be it is thywill that it tl1all not; . Lord;ifthis be the cafe,it is meet mywill fhouJd' yeeld, _and that thywill fhould he done~ As if ehriH.lhould have faid; Lord, I will give thee . tois honour, that thou canfl: remove this C 1p from me; ,but if thou doefi not)and it is not thy .. .will todoe fo, I am content. So -doe thou giv~ theLord this g!ory of his power in every cafe, · that he candoe ir,if 1t be his will. Be it, that thy deGre is to be delivered from fuch or fuch an aft1ict:ion; copfider this; Is it meet ' Anfw. No cnfe fo defperatc:,but God can helpe. --------------.,.........-~---~----"-