Preston - BT100 P8 1634

%.04 The Omni~eence of Goo. · ------- -----------------~-- meet Gods will £houldyeeld to thine, or thin'eto ObjeEI• . . v1n[W. Weelote ftQt byyeelding to God$ will. Hei. f• his ? Thenbring thyheart,and be content · '* that it (hould be fo. But you will fay, it is bard todoe this, tobe~ · willing tQundergoe fuch afl affii Cl:ion. Confider it is Godnvill; and therfore ificw-ere not bell: for thee, yet thou iliouldefl: honour him fo farre,as topreferrehiswill before thineown: _but it being his wil~thou lhalt be atfured ifthou art one that belongs to him, that it thaUbe bell: for thee. Chrift was no Ioferwhenhe yeelded to his Fatherswill, for Godheardhim inwh4t hepray– edfor: a~ it is He{, 5. though the Lords will paf.. fed on b1m; and he dranke of the .cup. So thou _ m-aft yeeld to ·his will whatfoever it is, be cQn– tent with what i' done, and b.eleeve that thou -lhalt be noI~fer by it in the end, bnt thou fhalt ·have what thou de!ireft, though not in that mannerthat thou woulddeLl have it to bee done. · FIS\(IS. \