'THE ·rJ13L.E• ' . 'Pifrt· p~l.'· tAbfolHte. THE perfeCtion of 6od ,&foI lutt. · _ f, nx .Aderne The fpirit ofman how it fheuld bee t~dorned. 2, IS .Adorningof the fpirit commends us toGod. · ,_.. IS .Adrverfarics. . · The truth ofthe Scriptures provedby the tellimonyef the osdverfories, ' J', 53 ..out. · :, 6z. .AjfeefitJrtl tothccrtatures, what rai.. · feththcm. 2, 20i .Ajfe!Hsn1 ftroug b~:tcd tlrong af- .fiiB:ions. .: Ibid. .Agrllmlfit; . .Agreem1nt of the pr_pphecies in Scripture. 1, 1'- / .Alc•r'"~ x .Al&lfrm cfVHt~hofiH~ b3rbarou!, / r,. 84 •· AlmightJ.~ / God is ~~.t:nigbty. : ~~ ' x~S That Giod ist~lmighty, 70. times re... . .Advant~tge. prated inScripcur('. ~, 1 77 Hee that puts loiimfelfe front Gods Wee lhould rcjoycethat our Sodis worke for his owne 4d-wmtage, / t~lmighty. z, t&S mal{es himfelfe his end. x, 149 .Alone• .Ajfe[Jionr. Tobdet\'e that God 'is God 11 /ollt. 1 ..AffeBion.t inordinatc.ly fct on a thing · . x, Ss make it agod. 1, 90 Tebehold God t~ltme infeninghim• .AJfeEfi~m finfull .mull ~ pur~ed ~, ;6 Wh ..'I