THE 'Why men :ue not content with God alone, · 2., 187 '.Angels. eAngels ufed in guiding ·the courfe ot things. r, 3S ~ntiquity. cAntiquityofScriptureproves them true. I, S7 ~ tApprehenfion. .Appreh~njiqn of thi_ggs makesthem h~avic·oreafie. .,., ·30 ·eArts. Artswhy invented. r, J, · vi.lfent. eAf'ent o!oubl('. · t, 46 ...Afent breddifterently-in the Saints and others. I, 6~ If ~CJd had any cau~,fomc:whatwas bqfqre him.. 11 14G . · 1Jeing. Be~nl pr0perlyonly in God, r, 97 Be~ng of g,d c~xplained in five things. · Ibid. 7Jeing given to all things by God. · I, 99 Wdltouldgive God the praifeofhis beiHg. . I 111. All thillgs but G1dare capable ~fnot being. z, 141 What ,being h,ce mull have that is e. ternall. · I , I )7 qodthefirll being. 2. 50 godnot capable ,ofany new being. z, 73 Beginning• Hee that is cternall mull: bee without b~~innin~. I~ I)7 ·' eAtbei(ine."· · - t.Athej[meoftw? k-tnde~. I, 24 'Body• .Atheij'~1e thceffe&s cf 1t. 1, Z) 'Body mutt be kept downe. 2, "3 unius con.vertcd from eAthei(me. Body, gdlures of it ufed in Gods "~" x 1 s6 . wodhip. z 1 38 'l .Attributes. 71ufie. ; e,Attri~utes of God of two r~ms. Why men are fo bufie in worldly B. 11eaft, fee Mftn• fBejore. ·aodbeforeall things. I_, n 9 things. .~J Ijl c. . I, 120 (aft off. Wt:. ihould take heed qqJcaft us not . off. z, 8o The