The time of qods ,,.,ping off.un• knowne. :, 83 . {aufe. ; The creatl,lres ffiould bee without caufe, ifthey werenot maae. I, 8 q odthe firft caufo. I, 39 Godwithout all caufe. r, 140 Godavolumar.ycaufe.. z, 181 · Chan'[e. , Chawge in the cr~att7re whence it i~•. z, 75: ·Ch..znge-inus-atoken <?fsood. 7-,~94 When wee tbinke our con.diciotl c~i1. not change~ wee doubt of qods po\:ver. ' z, I~ )= See lmperfe fl. · · · (l . 'l . . • • hY.o'l1'o og4e-. Chriinologie ofScripturee?'aCl. ' 1·, )1: · [onceive. GrJd is bey.and all that wee cat, conconceive. z, 1'19- · Comp!.airit. Complaint and gtiefe whence ic ari. feth. _ · x, I O-f ~ Comman4, . , Thecreature at gods command.t,t38 Confuflon. C~nfufton; w.hen the body- rules the fpi'rit . . -z, zr: fomfoi't,f~e qod, fee He~t~en.: . _Compofttion.. rjodwit~out cpmpojit;o,. (ouKjjlt, fee Eter,rt1• . ., , .... ; I ' ., . "' . e avennt. ' . , , (hurcb: Hdw to know w~e aro in eo.fJtf1~nt ChHrches t~flimony proves the truth . nant-wit~God... z;. 85 ·.. ~fScr!pture. . . · 1 ., .5~l i Co~enant twofold•.- , z, 86 . S~uptures 0 • greater ·.amho·t·ity than Cv7)enll.nt not fruRratebyour tinnes. · theChurch. · · r, S' 9 . z, 8Jqod·willfhcwhirnfelfeG'cdinraifing . . Conflantie;. . ; · theChurchn•.. · 1, 87 TOJlidgeofourfpiritsby'Cofljlancie .Ngt to faint in tbe. .nri{hy .of ~he .in ~c::!l do_ing~ . z; Il3 •. Churches.. I;, 109 C ~t1jfancy in ill nothing viorie.i., ILl ' Chrijl._ ·{,brifl his humanity atone not to be· . ~oriliipped•. ~~ f ·S Se,e r...Mflhomet. . Cleave. .Wnat makesuscleave to a thing.t,86 {onfra·ncy, to beg itofGed, Ibid. Conftancy,twcJ meanes toget ir.z,~I5: . - Companp . Competn}~wby -it isdeGred~ . ·~, 166 l!ompanions. that a man may alway have. . 2, 167 Company> the more gricfe iriwant ?f I~ ...... '1~ -)