TRE ·T~~LB. i . \ D]e, 7Jyin[• Mortifying of lufts a dyint daily. 1,66 Heathen godsdye,therforefalfo,I )81 Dirc£1ion. Mendefirc company .for direelion. z;t66 Difco11tent. Difcontent 1 whcnccit i~, I, 123 _ Vi(poft. Affiitl:i()n an.d.protperitydifpofr:dby God. 1,-40 To be content with Gods Jifpoji111g of us. IJ 12.4 ' · · Voe.Doing.. Weareprefentwith ·God by Joittg his will. I, 161 To confider what eod dQtb to us I ~Ji(6l 'Someraings that God 'Cannot dqe, . why. z, 182 I DoiJble. ~oub/e-minded tJ:1an 1 wh<J. z~6o Sinfull affeltions tuake the heart dtmbii. - · " . z, 6 l E. I , . EjfeEls~ Three ejfeas of·ll ,ffime aifc:nt that · thattherdsaGo.A.· - .- t,yo Efficacie. Effic~t.cie ofthecreat1ue froat God. I , 137 EnemJ• . ' · What an tnemy God h to wicked men. -2. 1 I].) End.' All creatures lnve an e11d. l, 9 W.e tho~lddoenothing forourown ends, I, I.f9 · Endofmens-callings ap·pointed by God. I):-47 When ·a man make; hilnfdfe his ~nd. r, q.S Endirtg-. - · He that iseternall m1:1fi beewithout ·endiwg: - ' . I> 157 See~dTtt,t~ntage; enftgnet. Enftg,trJ ofGodsgteatndfe. ~, U.o\ Eq~tall• . Attributesofeodequal!. t, ;3 E.qu11lity of GodsAttributes prove himomnipotenr. z, x8o Erre, fee R1tle. Ejfmce~ ej[enceofGod what.t I,94 C j{e11cepfG(X,i infinite-. 1 1 148 iEternatl, ~ternity. .Eternit)ofGod. I, 1)6 t Eternity 5· thitJgs iA ir. I, 157 , Why God muftqee-tervall. 1, I 58 · 0 o Foure