- !mperfeflion, lmperfeElion n~ative in~he Sainu. , 1,121 {tnperfeaions where their change. . ' 2 ,73 See per/eef~ fJUire into. InjurieJ~ (njuries of~n, why wee are fo affected with them. · 2, 134 How tobe. padeut in ininrie:r. z, t s6 Impenitence. Injilemce. lmpmittttcepuniihed in Gods chit. dren. 2199 Tobeleeve there is aGodhatll influ. ence lnto the whole life. 1 1 64 Immutable. lmmut4bilitJof God. ~,71. Iuflificati~n. ~ Reafous of Gods immutability. Faith fhengthened inmatters ofju1.,73 A. h Grace in it Celfe not immutable. z, I) J•ification, W ence, · 'l, 71 Incqnftancie. · InctmjfAncie, to beehumbled for it• .z, IIZ lnconftAncr,twocaufcs ofir. z, 11 S' lnconftancy from weaknef{e. z, II7 InJeAvour~ Inde~t,;ours hclpe not when God bath catl: offaman, · 2, 83 IndtA11DHr,nottakcnawaybyeods dcctcc. 2, 9z. J,ftnitl, ~od isinfinite. 2.,74 To make acreature ;11fit~itti were a contradiCtion. 2,186 Sec Ejfon'e~ preftnct. Iwuifiblt~ To be in'Ciifible, aproperty of!pirir, . 2_,,. fnquire~ · Somewhat in Godweemafi not in. · Juft,feeWi/1. Judgements; IuJgements fpirituall the greateR. Judgements difpenfedbyGod now as in former times. 2.~ 98 Judgements ofGod different in time and mcanes. z., 101 K. Kill. Lufis muft bel{jlltd. KntJ.,/eJge; ' . Kt:ttJwledgeexpcrimcm:all chat there is aGod. ;,63 L: Labour; t.,b,H~~ bow it is fweetn~. 1 , iSa 0 o ~ L11me. r