THE. TABLE. 1 I' --------~---------- Lame. Performances lame when-thebody is tlOt exercifed. 2~ 40 Law.. Lawwxitten in mens hearts proves that thereis aGod. r, IJ . Liberty. - qads prefencegives liberty. z) 164 Life.. · qi'Jdonly the living god. t,8o, Life,the fhortneHe ofJt fhouldmake LIS.. thioke of eternity• l)I61 Lig,-ht. What makes all outward things light. 1 1 163 Limit. Ptophecies of Scrip~ure limited to a fee rime. · I, 50 God without limits. Il 121 Omobedience to God iliouldnot be limited; 2, 141l.Vhenwee limit God, wee doubt of _ his power. z, 195_ . Lip!. I Our fpirits mufi be neere Godlas our lip.r~ 2) 33. Iiong. fee Short. . s Lotlr~ V'Vce-fhould no: t-efl: in things too , , loW. , - ll, I<f9 . God.r power can rifefrom a le'Wcon– ' , ditiona, 2)~01; Love. qo~s irnmutabiliry makes us love hun. z,88 Love ofothe~ things mull bee fub– . ordinate to the love ofGod. 2 144 To walk~ withGoda figrre of lov~ . z, 163 Lufts. Luf!s defile the fpirit ofman, z~ 6 The tenth Commaodement againft luft. 1., 7 Lufts not rdlrained ha~efull to God. ~h 9 Luftsmortified make us conftam in wdl.l&loing. Z} 15 SeeDoing. M. VW~nanimit1• An holy m~tgn..enimity . in enjoyitig ofqo~ 1,134 tft.fagna~imity falfe.. . Ibid. · c.JI.1t~homet. v'Yahomet denied ~wo Chrill. Seefat[e. U:Wajefir· things in l,.8+ Maje(ly ofScripture prove the truth ohhem. _ 1, ~6 M11jej1y ofqqd~- I· j6, 77 - Man;. That there is aqod proved by.tl1e makingof tnlln• - ][) 6 Diffe.