THE TABLE. Difference betweene the a8:ions of~ . Move, Motion. . .. man and beafl. I, 17 q od ~~ot fubject't.c:> motion. x,17o Heathen Gods men. l ~ 81 A fpmt mo~es 1t fdfe and other things. ~, 3 Matter. Gt~dWitho'utmatter. z, 1'11 q0 D catJ worke withou,t matter. ljl8Q Merit. All that we can dee cannot merit of qod. I, Il3 Mercy. · ' UJ!trcy of fj od how it is ever all his workes. 2,54 Mercy we fhould goe to (jod for it. . z,68 See ]udger»tnt. "' ,;., ' Mind. TowodhipGod withallr.hemil:zde. z, 3S See great. Miracles~ Mir1cles prove the truth c:>f the Scriptures. 1~48 Mahomets religion wanted mir~tcles. 1) 84 <I c$onuments. Monuments ,none moteahcientthan thofe in Scripture. 1, 11 MorroW• Morro~,not to boall ofir. I,II8 Multiplicatim. Nomultiplication in God. Muta6ility. How to comfort O\lr felvei in the mHtability of thiAgs. I, 1 7" t/UUtiibility ofthe c:rcature forgotten. z,zo3 N. N~ttHre. N aturt,thecourfeofit al~ered fince the creation. · 1 3 2 Faith flrer.gthned fromGDds w~rks inNtltltrc. z,193 . 7{_;ed. . q,dhath no nted of any creature. :z, 193 Nothing4 , Outward things nothing in two refpeCls. I~ 131 OhjefJ, Obje£1i•n• Single heart lookes but upon one: objefJ. 2'!6o 0 0 4 Objeei:i.