----- . ------ ·.·:' : . Obj ef1ion.r againfl this principle, Per[picuottJ. that there is a.God. 1,3o PropheciesofScriptureper[picdom, · · <Obferv e, Godehfervethall we doe.. ~, I6~ Seefi nne~ Omnipotent. Omnipotencv-v ofGod. • '1,176 Omnipotency,ofGod whercm. ~.177 · Omnlprefonc.e•. Acaution concexning the om.nipre-· fen"e ofGod. . ~,IAJ- . Origitz~tU• Oriifna/1ofall creatures.~ t, 6. •. l .ove, Wifcdome, &.,c. origi,ally in .• Ciod. , ., -46 I (!)\\we-. t wo,cafeswhen ~odpunHiiethhis , ,w.ne. dildren.. I :, 99 , Ollt'Ward. Out~~trd man ftirrc:s,up the inward. l' ~,4° l '! I, SO PerfeCt. God isperfeG!:. , t , 120 'Pe.rfeilion, what... Ibid. s- Differences betweeneptr/e!tio, itl <God, aud i~ the creatures. t, I 21 To praifc God for his perfeEJion. 1,11.9 4Signes ofpraiCingGodsper{ef1io11 Ibid. Pl11ct, A(pirit not hcld.inany pl11te, t, 4 Plt11{iire-• Plt4fortJ; whymen are carr~d: awaywith then~. z, Ijt Po'Wer. / Po'Wer of<God ev.ery.where. '-, r49· Power of@od; theend ofir~ :, 185 Power of God, wee lh!)uld bdeeve ir. z,r9-4 PowerofGod, doubted of. 2, 197 Po\\?erofGodmanifi:fled. ~. ~~,