Preston - BT100 P8 1634

_T ·H E TA :SL E. Pray againfl: pollution offpirir. 2,14 ofit proves ~hat there is noother Men may pray much, yet not a~ God. .-' I, 79 '' right. 1,42 C?ircamcifeofGod fc~nein his proPr;1yer, twotimesofit. 2,43 'fJidmce. z,x,25 He that is rej~Ctcd of God cannot - Thegrout'ldof godsparticularpro,. prtt)'• ~)93 fJidence. Z) 1 S4 J>rt~Jer heard of God now as it•for- , mertim~• 1J', IOJ Pr~vgk!, feeCa fling off.' :Power of G (}I); fitoKid make us pr•T~ 2,198 Praifo: ' Prai(e ofmr~,..why,men are Jed a. way·with it;. Z)l3l SeeWe4k!,ttejft. Prefence,prefet~tly~ Prt{ence ofGod infinite. · ~, 148 Wow mennr~pre[ent.. 2) 155 Why God avengeth not prefintly. , 1., I 57 Rre(ence kenc in l thing!.... :1J J.6o , How wee are prefmt with g 0 D. Ibid. Howwee make God·prefent with' ,us. I;I6I Prophets;-pr8pheciel• . Profper. . Thofe tliat truO: not in god' may profper. I,II5 · Profejfion. Why men leave their profefsirnz. :l-,88 Fearefull1cfle inpr1[e[sion, whence. ' 2,_134 Pr~miftuoufly~ . Outward things diipenftd promif. CHoHflJ• . 1., 1. 8 Pro~~ebititim Whenweare incour2gedby proba– bilities wcdoubt ofgodspower., z, 1',94i PnriiJ~ Prophecies in Scri£ture prove the Purity of ·s(riptures prove them truthofit. I, 50 true. 1, 56 Poets theGentilesprephets. I~ 81. Purpofet• Pr,vid:ence. . Pttrpo{es of. Godbrought to .paffc ' Pro'llidei'Jceofgodj the grc:atneff'e _, by wayeg w1knowne to Lts. Ii 36 • ' Strong