Preston - BT100 P8 1634

T [-1 E TA rJ3 L E. Scripturrs. ~ Scriptures proved true by faith ~· waves. 1, 48 Scriptures proved by themfelves 1,)6 Difference betweene pen- men of foripture and other writers, I, 8o Whence it is that men take the judg· mer.t of Scripture ratfler than mens fancies. . 1,70 How toundcrHandfcriptures. z,78 Seeke. How toknoww;e[cek._to Gad. 1,136 Str'Ve, Service. He that negleCts G(}ds Jervice ma'k s him not his wd. IJ 1 50 Why we,e i11ould labour to (erve God. 1,172 Secure, . Sinne,three thingcin it. 1_.166 Sinne and grace to bee thought on chiefly. 1,167 Sinne obihved byqod. \ 2.) 168 God therefore Omnipotent becaufe he cannot finne~ z, I 82 See Light. Simplicity. Simplicity,of<jod, whar. ; 2.,1 Simplicity of god proved by fixe reafons. 2,49· Simplicity, two things in it. z, ,92 See ~amity. , Singlemffi. Singlenefle of heart whar. . z;37 Singlenejfe to be laboured for. z, 59 . Sicf!;ejfe. · ' Sick!Jejfe in thebot1y of the world. :x,n Gods power it~ bringingdawn thofe Soule~ that areftcure. 2, 202 Aqodprovedby theJoule of m:1.n, - I, 1 5 Seeing. Soule,. the ~eh of it depend 1qor on Weareprefcntwith God by feein%_ the body. 1 , 1 8 him. 2,160 God ~n the world, as theJoule in theG 0 V prefent withmby teeinu us. b d r o o y. · 1, 23 . z, 161 · Sh Spawne~ ort. The good the crcaum:s doe us is S pa~~e of finne in the lulls of the foort~ . I,.qs : fP_mr. . Toljodnotinrel~ilgorfoort.I,t6o : .· ~ · Speake·. ' .. . . · ~- Spe~kjng_ to qr;d makes us p-re!ent · Sznne. With h1m. z T6'r The perfectionof God to bee unca1 qo.d prefeni: with us in fpeakjn~ eo pablc: offtm1e. 1,122 . us. . 1bidef _[ Hew.·