Preston - BT100 P8 1634

\ ' THE TArJ3LE. Howqod.[pe 4 fi,s to us, 2,16i \ · ; SHr;cefsion. . . 1 . . . GodW,Itboutfucce[sio1tl. $pmt. Godalpirit.. 2 , '2 S~tffer. What a kind,'of'_ffiirit (jod i•; 1b~d. Whymen-rather tinne than {ufftr. · . 4·propcrties·o~ajpirit. . I.btd. · Gods eyecfpcctally on the JPmt of man. 2, 4 ;How to fit ourJPirits for commu~ vionwith q,J. 2., 6 Pollution ofjpirit, how hatdi1ll to ~od. 2'1 Spirit brokenpleafcth god. _z, 8 · Direaions for deanfing the JP~rtt • , . _ . 2,10 goJs government chiefly 01:1 mens , Jlirits. , . 2 , 2.7 Spirit, wodg1.11desonely_. s, 2-~ Spirit, the guidil:'lg of lt of grca.. ·confequcnce. z, 29 Godmull be wodhipped inJPirit. 3.3'2 . T.o fCrvcGolinJPirit, w.hat. z, 33 How to conceiTeofafPirit. z,41 s~:AJ,yne, Judger~~ent .. T. r ernptation1~ ' Temptatirms~ we mull: outbid them. '2)120 Tejf11ment~ Teftammt bothOld and New ac– knowledgcdbyMahomer. 1,8:z. r efti,J111J, fee .Ad7Jerfories, fee £hurch-. 7heo!,gie,_ Theologiewhar. · 1, I r beologie, wherein it difter~h.from other fcimces. I, :g Theologie,thepartJofit. 1,3 Difference in points of The~legie. Sttahility· Stlfb,/itj in that weenjoy tobebe~ Time~ gcdofGoJ. . z,x~s TiwtdiipenfcdbyGod.· t,rs8 , I, S Sn;oJigtr~ AlLtilllfe ,prefCntwith (joJ. t, 159 The atfent in theele-Gt ftronz" that Timeofoutward thin's iherr .. t, 162. che[e is a qod, than in others. G1dtheLordoftime. 1,174 · · t, 61 Time as a field to befowne. Ibid. 1 Timedouble. ,, 3 ~ ) -, s,J,fl,,ti'llll· SeejHJgemertt• . · · :PerfeCtioninGod/Hhftllntitlll•t,tn - Thl11ghu .. _