Preston - BT100 P8 1634

. , That G:o D iJ.• G I ·you fome perfwafions ;but when one lhall come ·andtell you ofthe Scr~pture ,.made b.y aw-ife and. trueGod, that is fo indeed ;this makes you confirmed in it. Therefore the ftrength ofthe: argument by faith,. you may gather after this rpanner : I beleeve the Scriptures to .bee true and that they are the ·word ofGod; nmv this is contained in the Scriptures,that GodmadeheA:ven and Earth; therefore I beleeving the Scriptures . to be the Word-ofGoi, .and wha.tfoever is con– tained in them, my faithlayes hold'upon italfo,. · and fo my con!ent growes {lrong and firme,that there is a God: After this manner you come to conclude it by faith. For what .is faith? Faith i$ but when a thing is propounded toyou even as anobjeet fet before the.eye, there is an habit of faith within,that fees is ;for faith is nothing~elfe; but a feeing-ofthat which is: for though a thing isnot true becau{e I beleeve itis 1 ~o,yet things firftare,and then ·I belceve them. Faith n0t be1ceve things imaginary, and, . fuch as have noground;butwhatfoever faith be– leeves, it bath a being,and the.things we belceve· . -doe lyebefore the eyes ofrcafon, fancrified and elevated by the eye of faith; therfore MIJes, _when he goesahout to fet downethe Scripture, , d~th not proue things by reafon, btupropounds r them, as, In the lieginning G 0 D .made the Heavenand Earth; he propounds tbeobje&,and · lea"'es it to the eyeoffaith to looke upon. For ,the nature offaith·is-tHis:GDdhath giuen toman anunderfl.anding facultie,(which weca11, Rea- . fon)