Preston - BT100 P8 1634

That -Go.n il. fent before you,yeare folicitous,·thinking what that fqule thinksofyou,how that foule Is at'feQ:ed to you; fo ifyou·beleeved Godwere in the world, it w9uld make y6u have an eye to him in all your .,aC!ions, as he bath an eye to you; and to ha\te._a ~ fpeciall care to pleafe him in all things, rather than to pleafe men. And this is the ground ofall the difference betweene men: One man beleeves it fully, that there is fi1chamightieGod; another beleeves it but byhalves : and therefore one man bath a care only to pleafe G1dinall things,and to have aneye tohim alone; the other beleeving it but by halves,he feeketh and earnefl:ly followeth other things, and is not fo .folicitous what the L o ll D thinkes of him. · • The thing tberfore whichwe exhort you unto, · is,that youwould indevor to fl:rengthen that prin– ciplemore and more.We fpeake.not to Atheilb now,but to them·that beleeve there itAG1d; and yet we do not thinke our Iabonr lo!l::For,though · there be an affent to this truth inus,yefit is fuch · an_oneas m~y receive degrees,and maybeftreng– thened : fo~ I know th<U there are few perfeCt A– theifts, yet there are fome degrees of Atheifme left in the befi: of Gid.t Children,"'hich wee take nonotice of; for there is-a two-foldAtheifme : Two1dnds o£ t One .is, when a man thiokesthatthere is no Atheifllle. G.od)andknowes he doth fo. _ - 2 Another kind ofAtheifme is,w4en a man doubts of the Deitie,and obfetves it not. There . are fome degreesofdoubting'in the hearts ofall men, as we {hall fee by thefe effeCl:s, that this un- . · taken-