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f_-_· ____ T_ha~ Goo il. _}__ 37 this deceives us,w<t look upon God1 providence in j fome few particulars onely,we lookcbut upon a wheeie or two,and not as they are onewithinanothe-r, for then (indeed) we fhould fee things chat might caufeus to wonder: ·as we fee I o[eph;an innocent man,lying in difgrace and imprifonmenr; and David, though innocent, yet along time difgraced in the Court of Sau/,and afcerwards shimei curfing him; yea,wee fee I E s vs C HR r s T himfdfe delivered and condemned for an I mpo- . ftor,and that by witneifes,and in a legall manner: · fo wee fee P aut, one that was a man full of zeale, yet accounted oneof theworft men that lived in his time : andNa6oth, an innocent man, condern- I ned to death by witneffes, and fl:oned; and who -1hall rife_ againe to·£hew his innocencie ? Ifyou lookebutuponawheeleortwo,you fhaU finde the Church readie to be fwallowed up in Heflers - time: but ify_ou ~ooke upon them all at once, ,then you will fee, that thefe paffages have eyes in them, and that they have Angels, and the Spi– rittoguidcthem. As forexample~ lookeonal! the wheeles of IoftphJ hfe, you £hall fee the envie 1 of his brethren, felling him to the Sre\vard of 'PharoahJhoufe;and there,his falling outwith his Mifireffe,his beingcaft into prifon,1nd meeting widf~haroahs Officers; whereby bee was made kaowrle to Pharoah, and fo bee became great in Pharoahs Court: and then you fee it is agoodly worke. So inDavid, take all the wheeles toge– ther,and you fhall fee a glorious worke; howGod brought him along to the Kingdome; Godwas · - D _, witn.--~ f I ,._.: