Preston - BT100 P8 1634

I } . · That Goo u. . . \ _~!__ '\ not,hath nothing;and things thatarefirong,pr~- l ' vaileagainft thofe that arewea~e : a~d fo God ts t(,rgotten in the World, and h1s W tfdome and .Power is not feene. · It is not fo: God cloth carry it ;ofcen_another .Anfw. to way,· as it is, Ecclefl9 · I r. A/way the battel~ to not Eccle{.9• 1 t. J "d 6 •"- H h U Events arc to theflnmg, but ch~nce ana ~:cct ·ent ·eJ A t em 4- : fom·c'tituc:s that is, the Lord of purpofe doth often change co~trary tG them that his Power and Might may be feene. ma.ns prcpa· ' • . r.mons. Wee fee often, that Prtnce.r walke on fo1Jt ltkc fer-\ vants,and[erv~nts ride like Princes, as_ in chap. ro. IJ.e&ie[. 1 o. that is, things doenot alwayes come to pa!fc ac– cording to theircaufe; for when the caufe is ex~ ceeding faire to bring forth fuch an effefr, yet we fee it is abortive birth, and fuch things come to paffe that tllt ~~~~ed not for: as bee that ·was cl iligent, many times come to pov~rtie ; the wife oeeoften mifcarry, in bringing theit enterprifes t0 patre. . . Thoqgb the immediate caufc produceth the effe&,yet who is the firfi cau(e? As f0r example; though follybe the caufe that fuch a b1.Hineffe ·dothmifcarry,yet who is the caufe ofthat folly ? I~ is finne that bringeth cleftruetion, and cloth precipitatea man thereunto; but who is it that· leaveth men to their ftnnes and Iu.ll:s ? You fee what was the immediate caufe ofthe Joffe ofRe.. hohoamsKingdome, the ill counfell that was gi.. ven him by ~he youngmen; bu't who was it that fitted thecaufe tl1ereu.dto? was it not theLord? I SoQn the contrarie, we fee that godlinetfe is;the caufe ofgood fucceffe,and ma.k€s men to profper;] · . · D 4 but eAnfw.~~ God the urft & ~aufc. •