Preston - BT100 P8 1634

----.------------=----·-----· 7:hat Gou u .. i but who is thecaufeofthat caufe? is it not the LorJ.himfeHe? Obj~. .Anfw. Geds difpoling •f the affii8i– ons of the godly, and the ~rofperitie of the wicked. But ofcentimes it is ill with thofe that are good, and well with thofethat are wicked; the wicked profper many times, when it goes illwith tho{e that feare theL o It o ; oftentimeJ tt commeth to the wicked according to the worlu of the righteous, and cfJntr~trily. If there be a God, what is the_reafon that this is come to paffe'? . It is certa!ne,. that whenfoever any wicked man doth an evill aa,and a good man doth well, and ferveth the Lord with a perfecr heart, that , there is a fentence ofgood and evill goeswith it; · but Goo doth often fufpend the reward to the godly,and the puniibment tothewieked;theex– ecut:ian ofthem is deferred. Befides, we arc of– ten mi!l:akcn; for that whichwe thinke t<? be ill to us , is many times for our· good ; and that which wee thinke is very ha-ppie-and profperous, may be hurtfttll to us. As for example, whenu – cob came from Lab~tn, Go o fa id to him; Bee not' afraid, I 4m fllith thee,and I will doe theegood. You · fee, Iacohwas no fooner gone,but L·&ban followes him, and would have done him mu~h · hurt had not the Lord takenhim off: No .fooner ·was L'a– vangone from him,but Efaucomes againilhim, Clnd whe~ the Lordhadrefcuedliimfromhim; \'\-.hen he was come neerer home, when bee might have expetted fome reftafrerhisweary journey; yet then his daughtetwas'ravHhed, andhis two fonnes wc~e rebellious,and.committe4 murther'; ~ after that> Rachel"dyed ·, and DtGDrah; Rcheccah'1 ' Nurfe!__