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54 I, 1 - \ .. ' ' f'hat Go m iJ. siculm relates the hillorie of him, (though min- .. gled with falfehood)ofwhathedid in~gypt,and ,what L.awes he gave the people, and-how he caft . out the ciz?t;ttimitn,aod that he fa id he received his Lawes from aGgJ called lab, and that they were fuch Lawes as feparated that people from all o· thers,and that his. Gfdwasfuch as could not . oe feene, &c. And Stra.ho faith, that he reproved the .IEgyptian:r for worfhipping viftblegods, and therefore heewas caft·our, and his people with him .. After this:,wh~n cyrw. did re~ore·t~e_ · . dome of the Iewe1, and ~ad overcome D·artt.U; · Zenophon reports this, That when ·bee came into Babylon, ·heegavecQmmandement that no Syrian fhould behurt: now Syria Iyes upon ludea,even as one Shire cloth upon another ; fo that they were.all caHed syrianJ. Moreover, MegafiheneJ, the Chaldean Hifiorian, relates, That Nehurhad– nezzt~rhad conquered .IEgyff, Phrtnicit~, andSyria, and all thofeparts bee brought into captiv.itie; · and afte-rthat,he made him a great Palace,which is fpoken ofbyD:miel the Prophet, and how he ordered the people of the captivitie. Moreover, BeroftM fairh,rhat afterwards hewas fl:rucken wi·rh . rnadneffe; and Ev~1Juit, he vanifhed ·cfor tbat is his word) he deparred from amongfi men. (In– deed one Anniw.,aMonke, hath rut forth .fome Bookes under the nameofMcgaffhenes, but they . are but fuppofitions.) ·. So~ Ii~ewife;ofsenache--.. rib ·and. Salmana(ttrs ·Warre , and of ·the buil– ding of salomgns _Tempie, they are:recorded in·· the Anna!li of the Tyrians• . This is related by thofe . ·