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Tha' Goo it. 1 ss ·tbofe that are neither Ierves nor Chrifliant; and thefe tefi:imonies are fetched frpm thofe that are ' our enemies, which are more fit for the Preife · ·than for the Pulpit., and to beewrittenthan de~ivered in a popular congregation. I will adde to this but this one; confider the The txaa exa& Chr0nologie, which is found in all the Chronologie Scriptures, and the agreement ofthemwitlt the in the S~rip· Heathen Hiil:ories. turea, In latter times there have been great confuli- ! .ons,hut the greateft evidence,extant at this prefent day, is the Table ofPtolomy, lately found, which doth exaCtly agreewith the Scripture; he ·exa&ly fets downe the time that Ntbuchadnezzar \ andCyruJ reigned;compare themwith the Scripture, and you fball finde thefe agree with D,sniel and JeremJ. Otherwife Chronolo~ers cliffer very much:for inlofeph ScAliger.r time,t .at Table they had not, but it was found fince : ·So in the time when Jerufolemwas taken, they agree exactly; and this is the greatefi: tefi:irnony,that the Scripture can have from Heathen men. But this Q!!.efl:ion may now beemade; How lhould we know that thefe books,which we have ll.!!;ft. as written by M1[et, that thefe are they; that there is no alteration in them, or fuppofititious prophecies pwt in ? · · You have the Je,e.r agreeingwith theChrifiitAn[l\1: 6n.r, whowere enemies, and the I ewes kept it ex.. acl:Iy, yet their Bookes agree with ours. ~ But how fhotdcl wee kriow that thofe of the ~ Objt£1. /ewes are.trl:le? l B4 _They