Preston - BT100 P8 1634

That Go oil. is wrought byan inf~fed habit of theHoly Ghoft: therefore the faith of the Saints is fironger than the faith of thewicked. The Saints, the regenerate men, build their Diff. 3· h r:. d h · rr. ' h h f !he Saiau ope, comrort, an . appmeue upon t · e trut o -build all their thefe principles; as that there if aG~d, thafrule_s h~pe _en thetC:. Heaven and Earth, and that theScrtpttlrcs are hu prmcaples• .Word, andwhatfoever is in them, is truth ; they build all upon thef~: therfore,ifanydoubt~arife, they can never bea-t refl, till faith -ha-rh re(olved them,andwrought them out: with another man · it is not fo; he takes thefe ~hings upon truil,and be1eeves thern,as others do,but he doth not much trouble himfelfe about them s and therefore, -if any doubts come againft them,be fuffers them to lye tbere,and·goes on in a careleffe manner : But with the Saints it is not fo·; they building their bopo ~pan them, d0e therefore ;refoJ-ve·to fuffer any thing for (Jsd ;' theywill be cont~nt to lofe all for llim, if occa{ion. requires, and ,therefore Jheyareupo~ fure ground :· but the otber,they doe but receiye upon .trutl, and-:~h-~r~for~ they doe not cleave to him in that ma-nner -that the Saints doe.. · . - . · _· Regenerate men have a lively and experimen7>iff.4• tall knowledge, that there ilts God, and ,th<l;t. the . !~r~~~::1fx• Scrip~ur.eJ · Are hil Word , from the comJ11union koowledge.of that they have llad with this .Gud, and from the thefe thiPgs. txperience they have had of the truths delivered · .in.the S~ripture. Theyknowverywell, and that experimentally, what difference· there was be– tweenewhat theywere once) and what theyare · now; ·