Preston - BT100 P8 1634

•• Vedicatorie. known his~rath,eternalpo'n'er & qod.--head~ and how long bath he · oontinued .chat expenfive ·worJ\:e ofgoverning the world, to !hew forth theriches of hisgoodnes 1 pati-– ence&forbearance~· yet when all were bound together,fo litle ftne'W we ofhim,that he fct forth hisSon, theexpreffe l111:ageofhit Perfon,as the LaH, and beft Edition 1 that could be hoped for. . And, it beingmuchmore true of qod, whieh is nfually faid of knowledge in the generall, S\(gn hahet inimicum niji ignorantent • that beiog fo good he bathno e~ nemies nor flrangers to him, hut t~ofe that knowhin1not : .furely then,the ftnowledge ofhim is amoft neceffary and effed:uall means to fi·iendiliip 'vith him. · .Andj .· ·.