Preston - BT100 P8 1634

. I Thae Gon u.·· now; what,it 1s to envie the Saiats,andwhat it is to have an atfeeiioa of love to them; they know th~ ' tip:te when they £lighted finne, when they made ·no tecknipg af'it; theyknowagaine the bitterndfe and forrow of finne, when the Com– mandement came and·.fuewed it unto them in its colours ; they knG>w a time when they judged perverfcly of the.wayes of God, when they had a - badopinion.ofthem;but now they arefure they are changed : befides, they know, how that once they did admire and magnifie world·yexcellen– cie and preferment; but fince they were enlight– ned,their'opinion is otberwife: I fay,they kndw all this ~xperimentally.Take the·wholeworke-of regeneration,they know it in thernfelves; and fo for God himfelfe, as he is defcribed in the Scrip– tures , fuc·h have they found him to be to them– felves. -· Now,wh~nama~doth know things thus exper-imentally, itisanother kind of knowledge than that is by beare-fay : fo, .that though there is a beleefe in them both, yet there is a gre'at differeiicebetweene them. , _ 'JJ..eafon ~. i Wee~muft· labour to confirrne·outfaith in , B~c~~fe thefc thefe principles,-becaufe they are of exceeding hpnnctplei e:reat moment and confequence in the lives o ave a v . . b · · , . in6uen-oe into ·men; ·though.they feeme to ~remote, yet they wens )~\'«• are of'more 'p1otnent thaa any other : as of a houfe,you fee a faire top, but yet the foundation is ofmore momel}t,which cannot b~ feene; tpe· ' fireamesare f~eJ.llej~ut. theWell-headcannot: fo · --alftljead:ionfo¥ the·lives t>f menare built upon tneteprinciples;andas·they-are more ftrongly,or · w~k~