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I .· 66 .An{w. Mo~ti6cation oflufb a cly– ingdaily. I ; \ That Gon iJ. fame faiduhat they did: onely here is thedi-ffe– rence; theMartyrs fpent all at once,and thefe doe it but drop by drop: as when a man forbcaresaU i prcfen~ joyes,which this life c0nfifts in; it is, as . it. were, a dying by peece-rneale,adying drop by drop: as Paul faid, I die dayly. If oneof us were · to fuffer,as the MartJY.f did,whatis it:thatwould cfi:ablifh our foules.-? It i~ die beleefe ofthefe principles,that enables the StJints todoeall this; ~ou live by your faitb,in.thefe principles,though you obferve i.t not: for t}J:is is a thing that is to be marked, to this purpofe; That the opinions of men, their imaginations and thoughts, they all proceed from fuch notions as lye moreoverly in thcir ·he:arts >but their aQ:ions proceed from .the J.hong ferled .norions;and principles,that are riveted in their iiJward heart. And thereforeob– (erve the lives of men; fuch as their-principles in themare,ftlc.h are theirac:tions : For as it .is-true, on the·.on~ fide .; where men beleeve) there they come ro God.~: to it ·is true, OA the othier fide; if men be r.or grounded in ,tbefc firfcprmcipJes, if theyd.oenor beleeve, they doe not come tohim, but goe on une\cnly in their wayes, and for fake ~heir .profeHian. . . Tne roor of Now; whence comes th'is tmevcn.\Va1king,this , ·! al1.fist,.,\rhat. · exorbitance of Ll~ e.wbceles,bm froJn rhewcake-. " nelle oftremain.e fpring·,thar fets aJl on mot ion. . becaufe tbefe are the fprings, thatfet all the refi:on.worke. For, could aman be carried aw~y hy the praife ofmen, by the voice and breath,of man,on th'e one fide · or--could he be difeouraged . ' by_