A L L --sv F F r c l E N c v. llisiMnd"'and thtyperiJl'~ That is; He feedes them all. Confider the Treaf~resin Ib!J 38. Doeft·thou lob 3 8 • , -, ( filyth the Lord) knowthetrea(!tns offnow And h!aile thatiJiauc hid?When there is afnow all the Land over, thinkewhat agreat treafilre theLord · bath, from·whence it comes: in the mightie , hailes that be,faith he to Iob,dofi thou know the treafures ofhaile1'When you fee a mighty rain, faithhe,whg·canopen the1/ottles ofheaven,~ndwho Veif. 37· 'An jhNt them.? That is; Confider well, lookeon the(e outward things, and thinke who itis that doth this, when the e-arthuhot,ttndtheclods knit · Verr. 3B. together, wliocanopen ·'fheearth.? Thefe fenlible · · things fhould lead us to fee theLordin his greatnelfe;fo faithhe, who is the fother ofthe raine,who VerC:z.S. hath ·!Jrgotten~thedrops ifthe,dew·?Againe, asina great houfe,.there nwfi be water to furnHh the roomes;fo fayth he,fromhis chamhers heflndeth -Pial.1o4~ 10• }}rings thronghoutthe w-orld, ifthewater wereall .in one place, .ifit were all in one River; in one · channell, what would ·become of mankinde tt :Whatwould become ofthe beafis.? Bot, fayth ~odsworkes David,htfendithforth his./}ringsto_ everymoun~· fu:~~=ach taine, and~veryv_aVey,thattheBirds~ and Bt4Jfs., uuo fee his \ andManlamle mtghthauewatertorefrefhthem: gre.atneffe. J forotherwife(faithhe) theywould peri1b. So I againe, fayth he, wheU.-it:that enlightens thv Pfa},IOfo u ' earth? ·whencecomesthe ltlght? andr:pho ,Jrawes.· - . the Curtaines ofthinight --~ Againe, who is it l rhatmaintaines aUtheyteatures~TheLyon \Vhen · he runsout ofhis d~tnn them_orn,ing,heknowes 1 .· .?otwhereto·haue h1s prey: :and ·not,hee onely, . • ·- but,· t