Preston - Houston-Packer Collection BX5133.P7 N4 1634

, ~LL-SVFFICIENCY• .you fee h0w th'e Lord brought it about without paipe, and labour to him, (as you fhall fee in his providence,how hewheeled that about,to bring David to the Kingdome) you fee firfl: he takes awaySaulbythe hands ofhisenemies, Davids hand was ·not on him,hee tooke him away in · due feafon. \Vhen that was done, then there · was .Almtr amightie Captaine,youfee,he was taken away,& that without any fault ofDavids, upon a quarrell beteene Joab and him. When w!merwas takenaway,.there was Ishojbeth left behinde;you fee,therewerer:wofeta-worke by Gods providence (for thofe things come to paffe by his provi9ence) to take away his headwhe~ ·he was afleepe; fo that all the pofteritie of s aul 2:~!f!~;!it was gone•.He tooke notonely Saul away in the adionr. battaile, but all the refr,and there were but two left, uuephi6ojheth that waslam~ in hislimmes, and notfittomannagethe Kingdome, who!ike– wife,afterwa.rds,put h~mfelfintoDavidshands, :and Isbojheth,that was lame ip. his minde, as the other was in his limmes. And therefore, when .....Ahnerwas g9ne, there was no firength inhim; So theLordbrpught ittopalfe·wlthout any- a eH– on ofhis:fo it is when men learne totrufl: inGod._ Likewife, fee it inNa6a!s cafe: he was making . hafi,hewas fiepping out toan inordinateway to· heJpe himfelfe,..butwhen he frayed himfelfe,an& diditnot,howdidtheLordbringittop:dfewii:h-– .out him ·~ didnot Godhimfelfe take awayNahaiJ · lite, and giueNa~alswife andgoods, as,hee did : : saHl.rgoods,andhishoufe;~adhis wiuesto him? ' • · · · This-