• ALL- s V F F I c I EN c v. 97 .proud waues,yet'he is able to keepethem·hacle, he is able to reftraine them, and.. to fl:mt them up .with barres andd·oore~, as he doth the·· w.ateF~•. ·He that lappesthewaters in a garment, is-he not able torefirainc men thatare violentagainft us in wrath 1Who canJland !Jeforewrathand·envit r it is·likea violent water, thatover-flowes all, and that carries all before it;Yet he that laps the wa– ters as a garment, hee is able to refhaine them whcrefoever hefindesthem. And.fo againe,who walks 'Yith him,as knowing him that efrabliilieth the ends oftheea.rth ~- That is)(as the originall fl1ewes more.clearely) as onethat bath foun·ded the great and weightie earth upon ·nothing; GodeOabli– Saith he,that God(whenamansfpirit hathirtfta- . &.erhmwi hil.ity, and .inconfiancy in it naturally)he that e.. 1pirit. fl:abliilieth the eai·th npon nothing, making ·a mightiebuilding where there was no foundation, hecan dl:abliili thy fpirit too. Suppofe there benothingtofupport the Church, to': fupport a man when he i~ falling, or.that li'e-hatn'nO friet1d to prop him, nothing tounderlay, ,yet h'ee (that · hath fer the earth upon·nothing, but upon the · thione aire)that,you know,is notableto fupport it;oncly.hefaith to theeanh fl:and there·) is he notabletofupporta maninany cafe~ See now· theLordin this greatnes ofhis. Butwhowalkes:· asfeei'ng him thus .in his · greatndfe, ~ anJ in his t.:AII:.fujficienci,e~For allthefe doe butexpreffe the .AIL(Ujficencie ofGod; Bdo'vul; ifwe d1d it, whyare our ·hearts difcoutaged? Whydoewee .hang downc OUt heads UIJ'On every GCCSaUon; A ligne··of. doubtiNg of G_oJJ.All fllj{).. ttenc:e• ' when ·~ ------------ .......... =--~---_.~-- . ' . ;