Preston - Houston-Packer Collection BX5133.P7 N4 1634

·o :F Go ;o ,s ,:is no loofer by'ir. Thisistop:rrfwade our :hearrs .(murdullyof'thattnith, which we a!fent unto ·. ·with fome diffictiltie: for w~.arefomething ,dif- ~ ;COUtagt"d With thdmpetfecl.ions ·ofour .0beoi- ': ,ence, whofe1airhis not wealened bY:it ··;: Wh.o 1 comes nor:more.unchearefully ~beforeXIod,be- : ~caufe ofit r: ~N0w,If that fearew~re ta~ken·away l ·wewetilddraw·necrem~re:boldly..We fee what : : 'Iob.:'-f~ '6·7· J!ob fayth'in this cafe, 1ob 35. 6.7.1/ thouJinneft, : .whatdojlthouagainft him,ye4, when thy Jinnes are many, what dojl thou to him? Ifthott be righteous, · . . . h whatgivejlthou to him? IJrwhatreceiuts he at thy · SJnne&rtg • h :.1 ·;> M '1. k r. d · ·h fteoufaeffe the: . anus . . . arKeyou · now, '1tnne an ng teou - two pathe; :rieffe~ are tbetwo·paihesihatwe·wal'kerin,thofe ,meaw.alkin. :are all t'battrou'bleus·; tbdins ~ihat we :commit, ' and thedefects<?four ·righteoufnelTe. ·sayrh'he, :. ifth.ou Jinne, -w'h4t is that t-o ,him ·i! It ·doth:h_im no 1 ·hurt.Againe;ifchou fay1ein t·hy ,dghreoufnefre, ; .·or in thyperformances, 'it'is all one that way: · foritread~eth not to 'him; 'becaufe heis blefred. fo:rever, he :harharifufficiencie in himfelfe: and · ~thereforehe ·pleafcfh fo r:o adminill:er t·heworld;: :andfo toguide thehe_?rts ofhis children, ·and to . di(penfe:tothem butfuchameafure·ofgrace, to . leatte1infu111ufts'in them:in fuch a meafure un- . ·mortifiecl:'becaufehim' ne1iher a gainer, • nora]oofer:therforcler-noryour faiih 'be weak- : n~d atthishisadmin.ifl:raiion of things, ]et not earnall feares :Poffetreyour'hearts,tokeepeyou · offfrom comm'ingwith boldn-e'ifetohim: fincc he is All~(ujficient Iince 'he needsnot your righl ~teoufnelfc; hecanhe withoutit. Moreover ~