'Moreover; !hiswe maydrawfurther from it; 'ifGodbethu~!Lfufficient, that what we doe, _comes not neere him,-rhen all the Commande– merits that God giues to the fonnes ofmen, are · for-their good,and not for his profit. .Markethat that fhould breede in us a grelt willingneife to - keepe his Commandemems,andagreat cheare– fuJneife to performe them, when we underft:and that it is for our owne good. When a fervan~ knows that all is for hisownegood that hedoth, he will goe about all the bulineife is mafrer im– ployethhim in with more chearefulnes, becaufe heloues himfelfe5th~sis a principleGodharh put lo) Mansb:ndi: lhouldencou. rage him to. Godi fcs:vice. · into nature. Now, ifGodbe r...A!l-fofficient then he commands nothing for his owne benefit in a– - ny thing ; no, not in that, in which h~e feemes molho doe it. The Sabbath,that he bath taken for hirnfdfe, ~:~~~s ·and h:uh calkd it his day; Some may aske,is not areformana that for his owne fake~ No,GodC1ith,theSabbath good,dedarcd _· is madefor man. As if he fhould fay;_Ifit had been by In;l:ncea. made for mine owne fake, I would haue taken In the Sab. more then oneday from you;But I haue given it bath. for your fake, I made it for man; foriman could not be withoutit,he could not be religiouswithoutit,his heart could notkeepnecre toGodwith out it, it would foone be e{hanged from him, it would be over-grown with weeds,ifit were not looked to ever and anon, he would foone-be de– fediueinhis knowledge,he would foone forget the purpofe that he takes to himfelfe: therefore ~he Sabbath is made -for man. That is one day L where ·