~n/w: GDJchangeth the nature of .things. God leads the Creatures to . .their end in ·awayfitting theirnature. G 0 D s For hence comes thedifficultie: how fhall the frrength ofmy lults, theis crooked and perverfe heart ofmine, & the frraight wayes ofGod frand together. Itis,verytrue.Jfthy heancontinuein thatteRl – pcr,itisimpoflible;buttheLord,that isA!lJUffi– cient_, isableto takeaway that reludancie: for he dothin theworkeof grace, as he dpth in the worke ofnature:hedoth not as we doe,when we wotddhauean Arrow goetothe marke,when we · throwafione upward,we arenorable to change ' then~tureofit, burweputiron by force. God carriesall things to their end, bygiving them a naturefiiitablero th.1t end. An Archermakes an impre11ion upon an Arrow,butitisaviolent im– preffion ~Godcarries every tl1ing to rhat end, to . which heebath appointed it, butwith th,is diffe- . rence, hemakes nota violentimpreffion, but a naturall imprc1Iion,& therfore he clothit not by an onely immediate hand ofhis own as we do~, but he caufetl1 the Creature togoe on of it felfe, to this or to that purpofe, to this or that end. Andfohedothintheworke of grace; .he doth not carryaman on to the .wayes of righteouf- . neffe, leaving him iiahefiate of nature, taking him asheis, buthetakes away that heart ofhis, and imprints the habits ofgraceinit,&hecharr– geth amans heart, fo that he is carried willingly to the wayes ofGod, as the creatureiscarriedby anarurall inltintt to its owne place, or to the ~hingit defires. So that thou mayft thinke thus with thy felfe: Itis true, ifi hauemy old 'heart, Whenthe heart is cban. _ged,the wayes, of God are ~eafie. my •