A L b ·- s V F F 'I c I EN c y. 117 his,he-isthe governor, and the difpofer ofthe·m as 'he pleafeth,and therefore, certainly, he is A!l– fufficient,heisable toprovide al things for thee that thy heart can defire, fo that no good tliiryg . Dull be wanting to thee. l will not Hand to in- , 1at:gerh1s, but rathera~fwer the objections: \or he-re we are ready to obJect? , Ifthe Lordbe All-fu.lficient,why is it thus then, of,jeof. wirh me':'why doe I want fo many things which I haue need of,and defireto haue?IfGod beAll– fufficient, why are there fo many defects in my efiate,in.my health,this way and_ that way.. To this Ianfwer:Thou mufl: confider with thy . .Anfw~ felfe,ifthofe delires ofthine be not unnatural de- W5 ~ythe .r:. · ·1 'l h b fi c. ld fi - h d amtswanc Ittes,w 1et ~er t ey enot tnt~ e tres,t eLor _ ggo~ t~iags bath promtfed to be AU-fufficzent to the naturall of th1s life defire,to the right defires ofthe foule,but not to ~~ttheyde. thofe that are unnaturaii and inordinate. There • is a double ddire in the heart ofman,as there is a Adouble de– double thirfl:, there is a naturall rllir[l:,you know {:~~~the which is eafilyfarisfied with a' little, there is an unnatur;tll thirfi:, as the thirft of a dropfie man, r. who defires exceeding much, andthe more yoq Naturall. giue him, frill the more he defires, a11d is never 2· farisfied. So it is with the foule; there is a natu- Vnnaturall. rail health and defire,which deft res fo much credit,and fo much wealth, as is needfttll, there is befides this, an unnaturaii defirc of the (mile, when amandoth long after aeundance: now do not. looke that the Lord ihould fatisfie this nay,the bell: way,in this cafe, is not to fatisfie, 1 ·but to take from our defires; as we fay of the . , M 4 Bottle~ . 1, -. •• ~;•a-- . ·- · -----z--••ne.Mcsm~wmJ.~m~.~.e-wa._a._ __~~----~·